Monday, February 21, 2011

Winter Camp Day 3 Update

It's the final night of a 4 day pursuit of God. The last day at camp held quite a few surprises. We started the day off with breakout sessions once more. Today we had guys and girls breakouts in separate areas, and had a panel of youth leaders answer questions. One panel of all ladies fielded any questions the girls could think to ask, and the guys did the same thing on the other side of campus (we figured the distance would be appropriate). The questions are written down on small paper clippings and dropped in a box, so they are anonymous, which allows the students to ask things they may have been afraid to ask before.

The afternoon was home to the historic FOS Final Day Relay! As always, it ended with a 6 person pyramid, and you can see some of the results in the photos. After a large chunk of free time (that was consumed with a trip to white pass for some sledding), we all headed into service. I preached a first person narrative sermon in the perspective of the Apostle Paul during the stoning of Stephen and his persecution of the church that ensued. The point was that Jesus forgave Paul, and that example was shown to us so we could be absolutely certain that he could forgive us too (1 Timothy 1:15-17). The big theme of the night was confession. We are encouraging our young men and women to be completely honest and trust that FOS is a safe place to be transparent. The phrase I often use is "it's ok to not be ok." Tonight honed in on that, and the response was incredible. God has been so good to us on this mountain. A lack of snow, tired bodies, and selfish, sinful souls are not enough to stop God from doing something profound. I have been blessed to see these students respond the way they have.

Enjoy the pictures, and I believe I will be signing off for now at about 1:30! Check out and/or (sorry for the misinformation yesterday, must be the sleep depravation program!).

For the Glory of God,

Junior High Guys' Pyramid

Junior High Girls

High School Girls

High School Guys

High School Guys- The 2011 Relay Champions

Some Sunday Night Photos From Our Worship Service

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