Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Time and Pressure

There is a wonderful line in "Shawshank Redemption" describing how the main character, Andy Dufresne, escaped Shawshank prison. Morgan Freeman's character gives us this gem that has stuck with me over the years: 

"Oh, Andy loved geology. I imagine it appealed to his meticulous nature. An ice age here, million years of mountain building there. Geology is the study of pressure and time. That's all it takes, really. Pressure, and time. That and a big damn poster."

The reference is to Andy's escape. But the phrase "time and pressure" always stuck with me. I've long since used it as a symbol of what it takes to be successful. I tend to apply it in broad strokes to marriage, business, parenting, and life. It seems few people lack the fortitude necessary to do the right thing over a long period of time. We are hopeful that our decisions will have an immediate impact. We say "I love you" to our spouse and then lie in wait, hoping they will unfold. We make a slick video for our website and hope that it brings in droves of new purchasers and customers. We read a blog about the benefits of healthy dieting and we spend 30 days eating "whole foods" all the while dreaming of the euphoric 31st day when we can eat all the "bad foods" that we find so comforting. 

These aren't bad things. Changing your diet is often inspired and healthy. Making a new video can be useful. And telling your significant other you love them is obviously a good thing. But I think most of us look to these behavioral changes as a sort of rescue and when they don't deliver the promised outcome, we simply switch to a new one. This is why fad diets continue to earn millions, get rich quick schemed con thousands out of time and money, and marriages fail some made up percentage of the time. 

What's the real solution? Pressure and time. That's all it really takes. Doing the right thing over a long period of time. Working hard over a series of years at whatever it is you are considering and valuing. A marriage is not built in 2 years of dating or 6 months of engagement, as Rome was not built in a day. A successful business is not built in a yearlong flurry. And a healthy body and mind are not built in a month. There are exceptions to these rules, but by and large, most of us will find more joy in the lifetime grind. Pressure and time...and a big damn poster (posters for sale on my website).

Monday, April 18, 2011

The Moon

Light floods the roadway

Like stars dancing naked on the beach

I am jealous for its shine

Inconstant clouds protrude into the warming rays of darkness

Dark and light they move quietly into view

They mustn’t leave us alone

For the radiance would be too brilliant to withstand

Circling like sharks

Vapors obstruct our intimacy

What are they thinking, these clouds?

They have never known love

Perhaps they are desperate for attention

I shan’t give them a thing for this effort

My soul desire is for you, my moon

Bid them flee, until we are alone.

It is mostly the dark ones who have overcome us

Blotting out your light from my ocean eyes

Clear clouds know their place

They accent your beauty

Framing in the grains of sand shaping your face

Shall we run from them?

They are but a mist, and will surely pass.

You and I must live forever

Like tangled souls, my moon.