Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Justice of My King

I feel as if this blog has been stirring in my heart for quite some time, but it has been difficult to find the tone to write it with. I read Psalm 101 some days ago, and it has sat on my heart with the weight of a large stone. I cannot get past the first 4 lines:

I will sing of steadfast love and justice; to you, O LORD, I will make music. I will ponder the way that is blameless. Oh when will you come to me?

David wrote it. It's a song about leaders. Who leaders should be, what they should do, how they should live- it's all here in this little song the Israelites would sing. But who could fulfill such steep requirements? When they sang the song they had in mind a king in the line of David, but even more than that they had in mind a Messiah. They would sing it envisioning someone who had not been born yet, but they knew would exist. The man was faceless and shapeless, but his character was evident. He was blameless- faultless, without sin, innocent. He was steadfast in love- his love never failed, it was endless and unconditional. And His justice was perfect- he upheld the law and was the judge of the law, morally and spiritually perfect, He was life and life in the fullest.

This man was the ideal of the Hebrew people- and they waited for Him to come. And then they nailed Him to a cross, crucified Him, and to this day are waiting for the "real one" to appear.

He was here. He came for us, and he fit the mold His people were looking for. He was blameless, and steadfast in love and justice. Oh how perfect He was. He is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but in every way was tempted like us- yet was without sin! (Hebrews 4:15) We have a King who committed no sin, neither was deceit found in His mouth (1 Peter 2:22). Steadfast in love and justice, blameless before God, and a perfect sacrifice for my sin, for your sin, and for the sins of His people.

I wonder how many today wait for a savior. Maybe it isn't a king from the line of David, but is: money, jobs, marriage, romance, children, or some other mythical satisfaction the world hurls our way. He was here already. He came for you- don't miss Him, He was everything we sing about today and more- our glorious Savior.

1 comment:

BIGWILL said...

Dude...this is pretty much a nudge in the right direction if ever I read one...inspiring and thought provoking. I found myself saying "how in the world did he see that?" and at the same time I had a ..."man I need to read my Bible more" type of response. The last part really got me...I need to let Him be the only thing I seek after. It's funny how often I overlook "seek first the Kingdom" and say-yeah I know I know, I got that, but yet-I don't do it. I was driving home from Bible study today and passed by a church outdoor message board that said something to the effect of "Can we believe in Him and not trust Him?" So I say all of that to say this...NOW is the time for some changes to occur...no excuses. Glorious Savior indeed.