Sunday, February 7, 2010

A Hard Day

Today at ECC we started the "goodbye process" for Pastor Dale. He announced today that he and his family will be leaving to pastor People's Church in Fresno, California. While it was difficult news for me, I had time to process. Many, however, did not. I saw many tears, many shocked faces, and many people who experienced a great range of emotions in a flash. I was greatly encouraged to see so much maturity in the church, hugging Pastor Dale with love and releasing him to the place of his next calling.

I had a conversation with a good friend after our 12:12 service for about 20 minutes following the announcement of his departure. I wanted to affirm the sovereignty of God in all of this (nothing she hadn't heard before) and the joy of knowing that our future with God is brighter than our past or present. I do realize this though: We are human beings with hearts that feel, hurt, love, and mourn. I hope we embrace these feelings. So many people are ashamed of tears because they show vulnerability- but Jesus was never afraid to be vulnerable. He called on his friends when he needed them, He wept openly at the loss of a dear friend (John 11:35). He mourned with the sad, He wept with the hurting, and He was never afraid to share what was on His heart.

For those that are hurting and trying to find a cure for the pain- sort through the emotions. Process, wrestle, struggle, fight, and search for joy in all of this. It will grow your soul. There may not be a definitive answer to the pain, or a cure for that matter, but there can be faith that fills the gap between our pain and the promise of God that it is working for our good eternal joy.

Don't run from it. Talk with friends, cry with brothers and sisters, pray together, love each other, be all that the church is supposed to be in this moment. And when that happens we'll see that the church wasn't built on the shoulders of any one human being- it was built on the God-Man- Jesus Christ. He is the head and the foundation of the church, and as we wrestle through that my prayer is that He will meet us with loving arms, calling us to more of Him even in the midst of a difficult time as a body. I know He will do this, I know He will reveal much of Himself in this transition period, and I know that whoever comes will not be Pastor Dale, but will be exactly who God has called to this place for this moment. And for that I'm thankful.

In the mean time, we get to hear from a passionate preacher, and a very dear friend/boss of mine! And that sure ain't no hand me down. This boy can preach!

In Christ,