Saturday, February 7, 2009

I was reading through Knowing God by J.I. Packer recently when I came across this quote:

"We must learn to measure ourselves, not by our knowledge about God, not by our gifts and responsibilities in the church, but by how we pray and what goes on in our hearts."

I call attention to it for personal reasons mostly, but perhaps it will have the same affect on you as it has had on me. Often times I look at my life and think that I have performed some good in the lives of students and friends and I give enough to the church that I'm safe. I become dangerously complacent and begin to walk in a legalistic pride knowing that I'm doing a good job. I cannot measure myself by my good deeds or by my knowledge about God. The important question is do I know Him? Not about Him, but do I know God? And if I measure my knowledge of God in my prayer life the real answer is no, I don't know God well...I want to. I want to love Him more, I want to know Him better, I want all of those things. But merely desiring to have a better relationship isn't worthwhile. If I were married and I say, "I want a better relationship with my wife," but I don't do anything- my relationship with my wife is not getting any better.

Sometimes I have to toil and labor at my relationship with God. I have to cry and plead for Him to reveal more of Himself to me. And in those times I am made more like Him even when it feels like I am most lacking.

Over and out.


Curtis said...

Alpha Mike Echo November

Jake Gamble said...

I like's our room mate code. Officially established.(My word verification says cheldlin...that's a bit like children or chillen...strange).