Thursday, December 25, 2008


Let me first say Merry Christmas to all. I have just finished studying some Greek and felt that need for a blogging fix (currently tapping my forearm to ready the veins for intravenous drug use). So here I am, talking about Christmas, along with everyone else in the world. For most Christmas is a joyous celebration and they don't even know why. I find it strange to party when you don't know why you're partying. Whatever else, people enjoy the days off of work and the time with family. If you read this, here's a crash course update- God created the world and man screwed it up. Since that screw up all of creation has been exposed to futility and struggle and every human being was bound to sin, unable to escape. Apparently sometime in winter roughly two thousand and eight years ago, a child was born to a virgin- the King of the Jews. The King was born not in a royal palace, a sterile delivery room, or even a room of any sort. He was born in a trough in the middle of a barn, and still people came from all over to worship Him. We commemorate his birth with a celebration because He has saved us from sin and made us capable of relating to God through death on a cross. So Christmas is a wonderful/happy/momentous/joyous/miraculous celebration of the fact that a sovereign God did not ignore our helpless estate here on earth but responded to our despair by sending His one and only Son, Jesus, to save those that He has called. Praise Christ.

That being said, I have always found gift giving on Christmas a strange phenomenon. Jesus was born, here is everything you asked for from a man with a white beard. Aren't you ecstatic?

I think to really grasp the idea of gift giving and how pleasant it can be we must first hold firm to the birth of Jesus and what He has called us to do. We must serve- the gospel penetrates our hearts, transforms us, and we become servants to the King born in a manger. As servants we are required to SERVE- we must serve. Buying gifts is one form of serving those around us, and who better to serve than our family? Those that bring us the most grief and headaches- we serve them. We bring them gifts, show them mercy, serve them good food, and worship our God through all of this. How wonderful a Holiday? :D

Last thing: as you move through the day tomorrow remember this.

Matthew 7:11 "If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!"



Dena said...

I have been feeling so annoyned in a way with this "holiday" season and I couldn't quite put my finger on it.

So thanks!! For clearing that up for me! This is EXACTLY how I've been feeling and thinking this exact same thing.

EVERY Christmas carol sings about the Birth of our Lord...fa la la la la. It is so sad how our world has so warped what this whole thing is all about--yet, Praise God, Christmas carols are still around. But sadly, most people don't even know what they are singing about! Sad day.

Again, thanks for putting my same thoughts into words.


Amanda Sue said...

First of all, merry Christmas to you, too.
Second, what is a "troth"? After growing up on a farm, I know a few things. FACT: I have never heard of a troth, but I darn well know what a trough is. It's basically the equivalent of a manger. Interesting.

lauren said...

Upon reading your comments I was disappointed that Amanda pointed out your mistake before I could! Ugh.

And I agree that in giving gifts we are serving people, but it's not just that. It's more like I am grateful for them, and they mean a lot to me...and a gift shows them that "I love you...this many dollars worth" :)

Also, I wish Santa would die.