Sunday, October 24, 2010

Meditations on Ephesians 5 Part II

Thought 2 From My Readings of Ephesians 5:22-33

The motivation of Jesus in laying down his life for the church was that "he might sanctify that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish." Christ died for the church so that she would be sinless and blameless before Him at the day of Christ. How would this reward Christ? If you recall in chapter 1 verse 18 Paul writes, "that you may know...the riches of His glorious inheritance in the saints." Christ is preparing His heavenly inheritance. It is of indescribable importance that He die for the church because:
1) If He doesn't die for Her, she will not be with Him. Without the death of Christ, the church will not enter into eternity. The Groom will be "brideless" on that day. She cannot be righteous without the blood of the Groom. So in order for the bride to join Him she must be made clean, and the only way she can be made clean is through the Groom's laying down of His life.
2) She is His body. She is a part of Him. When He came for Her the two became one flesh (v. 31-32). If Christ did not die for her then He would have separated Himself from Himself, which we know to be impossible.

For earthly husbands, this means you are called to give up your self in order to bring your bride to yourself. If you are to be joined with her properly, she must be led the right way. If a husband is not leading in his home, his WIFE will be guilty! That is an incredible thought to me, and may bring about some reactions that are unfriendly (go ahead and send some hate mail), but as one flesh his obedience makes her sanctified.

It is important to realize this means two very important things. First, how important is it that husbands follow this instruction? If you don't, your wives will be found guilty of your sin! Second, wives should realize the importance of marrying a man who will fulfill this responsibility. Marry a leader, not a coward! Do not marry a man you can direct and manipulate. Marry a man who will die to himself for you in order to present you to himself, pure and blameless, spotless and beautiful, holy and righteous.
Sovereign Father, Your Word instructs us to do this. Give men the strength to not back down from this challenge, and do so for the sake of Your great Name. Make the marriages of Christian men and women a reflection of Your Son and His Bride, one that glorifies your greatness! In the Name of Jesus I ask these things, Amen.

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