Monday, August 31, 2009

Grace for a Sinner (a work in progress- Luke 7:36-50)

Forgiven a debt of 500 days wages
My failures and shortcomings he gently assuages
The righteous gather to point a finger
But the stench of my sin no longer does linger
I enter the house afraid of no sentence
For wrath once mine is lost in repentance
So tears stored long flow freely and fall
Tumbling to earth in sight of them all
Uncertain I quake and kneel to his feet
The dust of the day my lips quickly greet
Scrubbing so humbly with hair unkempt
Recalling a message too real to be dreamt
“Forgiveness of sins for those who believe
The burden of guilt I’ve come to relieve
Cast forth your pain and call on my name
The Father shall answer all sinners the same-
My son I have offered, no love withheld
For those of my covenant whose fears I have quelled.”
Surely not I so filthy and tainted,
“Your name I have called your destiny I painted”
Quickly I offer a life once broken
My affections are yours for my heart you have spoken
Have all of me, Beloved, for I am yours
Lost in the one my heart so adores.

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